Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lord venkateshwara

Saanthakaaram Bhujaga-sayanam Padhmanaabham Suresham,
Vishwaadhaaram Gagana-sadrsam Megha-varnam Subhaangam |
Lakshmi-kaantham Kamala-nayanam Yogibhir Dhyaana-gamyam,
Vande Vishnum Bhava-bhaya-haram Sarva-lok'ai-naataham ||

I pray to Vishnu, the Master of the universe, Whose presence is very peaceful,
Who streches Himself on a serpent -bed, Who sports a lotus in His naval,
Who is one Lord of all Devas, Who is the support of the worlds,
Who is subtle and all pervading like the sky, Whose complexion is like that of the clouds,!
Whose form is very beautifull, Who is the consort of Lakshmi, Whose eyes are like lotus petals,
Who is meditated upon by yogis, And who eradicates the fear of Samsaara.!!

Sasanka - Chakram Sakaritha - Kundalam,
Sapita- Vastram Sarasiruh'eksanam |
Sahaara- Vaksahsthala- Kaustubha- Sriyam
Namami Vishnum Sirasaa Chatur- Bhujam ||

He who sports in His hands the conch (Sankha) And the discus (Chakra),
Who is adorned with a crown and ear pendants, Who wears a yellow cloth,
And whose eyes resemble a lotus; And whose chest is beautified
By many necklaces and the Kausthuba mark,
I bow down my head before that four-handed Vishnu. !!


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